Free DNA-V Resources

Case Conceptualisation - Adults and Youth

Download the DNA-v assessment and planning tool

With this new assessment and planning tool you can create fast workable case conceptualisations, plan your treatments, and collaborate with clients.

You can learn more about this tool here. And it can be downloaded here.  

For adults

Meditations from our book, What Makes You Stronger

Learning to be present and grounded in each day helps us face change and manage stress. Here are four guided meditations recorded by Dr Louise Hayes to accompany our book, What Makes You Stronger. They are free to download and share.

Discover more recordings and resources below and here, and don’t forget to sign up to our mailing list so you get new resources as we create them.

123 counting meditation - what makes you stronger

‘123 Counting’ Meditation

21 breaths meditation - what makes you stronger

’21 Breaths’ Meditation

thinking meditation - what makes you stronger

‘Thinking’ Meditation

om ah hung meditation - what makes you stronger

‘Om Ah Hung’ Chanting Meditation

Other Downloads

The Weight Escape – How to Stop Dieting and Start Living: Printable exercises.

For young people

Posters for DNA-V

6 stunning posters: Helping young people grow with DNA-V

Natalie Roberts and Melissa McKimm have been using DNA-V as the frontline treatment for referrals to their child and adolescent mental health service for several years now (Hampshire CAMHS). 

They have shown great outcomes, reduced service needs, and shorter treatment times. 

Lucky for us, they chose to share their work freely!

Beautifully illustrated by Erin Johns. They will look great on any therapy wall!! Or you could print them out as easy and practical guides for your sessions.

Download them here


Download the worksheets from our book, Your Life Your Way. See more about this book, and download a free chapter.

Free worksheets to accompany our book, Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life for Teens.

Cards and therapy tools

Strength building is a common approach used across education and the workplace. Identifying our strengths can be helpful, especially if this helps us to flexibly achieve our valued goals. We’ve created a beautiful set of cards to help with identifying strengths.

Download the strength spotting cards in colour from The Thriving Adolescent

Values and Conversation cards. These cards are for use in individual and group therapy with young people. Initially created by Louise Hayes, they have been popular across the world for many years. Sign in to receive your set (3 files).

For groups, especially schools

DNA-V group program for young people – session by session guide.

This DNA-V protocol by Meredith Rayner, Louise Hayes and Joseph Ciarrochi was designed for young people in schools and counselling. Meredith piloted the program in high school groups to good effect. The protocol is useful for groups and individual support for young people.

Sign in to receive the group program and the student notebook.

Read our article on helping young people who are refusing school.

Download a copy of a paper from Scan, a peer-reviewed online journal for educators published by the NSW government. It outlines how DNA-V can be applied in schools by mapping to best-practice social and emotional learning (SEL) standards.

ACT – using art for adolescents

This program was originally created in 2006 by Louise Hayes and Julie Rowse. It has been evaluated a number of times. For example, see Livheim et al (2015) in our publications list.

It is still a great little program and art is a lovely medium for working with young people. We recommend that should you update this protocol by supplementing artwork with the framework in our newer books and the updates schools protocol.

Sign in to receive your copy of the program protocol (68 pages).

For kids under 12

We are delighted to share this DNA-V kids game for kids, created by Sarah Mooy. Download the game

DNA-V tip sheet on making friends, for parents and carers.

DNA-V tip sheet on the basics: discoverer, noticer, advisor, and values – for parents and carers.

DNA-V tip sheet on social view in families.

DNA-V tip sheet on the self for families and carers.

DNA-V Jenga game

One of the fun parts of using DNA-V is the creativity it brings. Jenny Grant from Coffs Psychology and Neurotherapy has adapted Jenga to DNA-V.

All you need to do is download this file, print it on stickers, buy yourself a set of Jenga and, voila! An easy way to build skills with pre-teens, especially boys.

New resources on our articles page too!

DNA-V group program for young people

Session by session guide

Values and Conversation cards

individual and group therapy

ACT - Using art for adolescents

Group Program